The City of Greater Bendigo has advised JCAG that locality identification signs will be installed for Junortoun in the coming months, once VicRoads approval is obtained.
The signs feature the White-eared honeyeater Nesoptilotis leucotis, which is the bird JCAG has chosen as the emblem for Honeyeater Bushland Reserve. It also features a Eucalyptus tree in blossom, reflecting Junortoun’s motto – Our Home in the Bush.
There will be two signs installed along the McIvor Highway. At the east of Junortoun the sign will be in the same position as the existing name sign, near Bennetts Road. At the west of Junortoun it is intended the sign will be positioned a little further to the east of the current sign (near Markovich Lane). This will allow for better intersection visibility at Pratts Park Road where the current name sign is placed.
This announcement comes after several years of lobbying of Council by JCAG, and reflects the growth of Junortoun and the destinations found in our community. This initiative was a priority project of the Junortoun Community Plan. JCAG thanks the City of Greater Bendigo for agreeing to install these signs.